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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

The Crash and Burn of Self-Marketing

I have begun learning to market myself being an indie author. I believe I stated before I had published a short book of non-traditional poetry myself. The things that come with self-publishing are difficult but rewarding. I truly enjoy getting to talk to people about my book and getting the chance to tell corporations about it. I am the only one that knows my book as well as I do; after all, I did spend quite a while writing, formatting, and editing.

Recently, I’ve been looking into setting up a signing somewhere. I had one originally set for the end of January, but something came up and my vendor had to cancel. I was disappointed, naturally, but have come to realize I can get this chance again. Still, I don’t know the first thing about it! Before, the opportunity came to me, now I must find a way to get to it.
During this process of self-marketing, I’m learning a lot about the world of business as well as myself. Such as, I’m intuitive, much more than I once thought. I am able to get fairly decent readings on what may, or may not be, beneficial for me and my book. I think it comes with knowing what I hope for this story. Where do I want it to go? Who am I reaching out to? Once these questions are answered, the rest of the process comes together. Some advice I can offer is to know what you want. It’s going to be tough at first, that I don’t doubt, but I know the limits of my book. I know the great things it can promote, and I know how determined I am to get there.

I did just do an interview with an online agency, which was rather fascinating. I encourage you to look on AwesomeGang.com and watch for me! My interview should be going up on their site within a few days. Of course, when I see it I’ll blog immediately after so all my lovely viewers can share the experience. Have a great day!

Oh and some last words of wisdom? As an indie author many people are going to tell you that your writing is nothing more than a hobby. It will never be work and you will never make money from it. Don't let those downers get to you. You have as much a chance as anyone else if you use the business side of your brain. Don't have one? Ask for advice from the people around you that do.

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